Kamala's obnoxious interview
The VP's sit down with Bret Baier reveals once again she is unfit to be president.
The Mises Institute’s Circle will meet in Fort Myers on November 9. The theme, Elections and the Economy: Do They Really Matter? will feature speakers Tom DiLorenzo, Mark Thornton, Wanjiru Njoya, and yours truly. To register please visit this page.
For a discount use code Sabrin24.
Order a free copy of Rothbard’s money and banking classic monograph. Or, you can read it online here.
Excellent essay in the WSJ about trade and growth.
Every Wednesday at 11:05am talk show host Gary Nolan and I discuss the economy and politics. My Ludwig von Mises Lecture at the Institute is online.
To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical. Commerce with all nations, alliance with none, should be our motto. Thomas Jefferson
WAR is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.
― Smedley Butler, War Is a Racket
The first panacea for a mismanaged nation is inflation of the currency; the second is war. Both bring a temporary prosperity; both bring a permanent ruin. But both are the refuge of political and economic opportunists. Ernest Hemingway
Murray Sabrin, PhD, is emeritus professor of finance, Ramapo College of New Jersey. Dr. Sabrin is considered a “public intellectual” for writing about the economy in scholarly and popular publications. His book, The Finance of Health Care: Wellness and Innovative Approaches to Employee Medical Insurance (Business Expert Press, Oct. 24, 2022), and his other BEP publication, Navigating the Boom/Bust Cycle: An Entrepreneur’s Survival Guide (October 2021), provides decision makers with tools needed to help manage their businesses during the business cycle. Sabrin's autobiography, From Immigrant to Public Intellectual: An American Story, was published in November, 2022.
Col. Mike
Biden Admin has provoked and funded war. The solutions are simple but they want to sell weapons and keep it going.
1998/9 glass-steagall was repealed bi-partisan under Bill Clinton. It had been put in place to protect us from another depression. They said it was no longer needed but never said why.
Then laws were passed fought for by Obama before he was president to force banks to give sub prime (doomed) loans and interest rates were lowered. Banks did not care if they lowered the standard — 20% down, work history, etc because without glass-steagall they were able to sell the doomed mortgages to the working poor and middle class pensions and savings in the money markets.
2007/8 at the time of the first $trillion “bailout,” all needed was to buy the $250 billion failing mortgages directly from Main Street, make them longer term, give same low rates given banks, and make them transferable to sweeten them up. That would have directly bailed out the working poor and middle class pensions and savings in the money markets and had a good chance of slowing the housing crash. Three or four more bailouts at a fraction of the cost would have done much more. Instead they ran up $9 trillion debt for future inflation all voted vastly by democrats and all except the first approved by Obama admin. Robbed the working poor and middle class of at least 1/3 of their pensions, savings, and equity.
Proof in the pudding -- The backbone of the uSA economy was small business making up 85% of the economy. At the end of Obama/Biden huge corporations (an oligarchy) are the backbone of the economy. Super rich much richer, everyone else much poorer.
Omar Gaddafi took Libya from the poorest to the richest per capita African nation with free housing for the poor, free education to the highest level, equality and protection for women, and free healthcare. Killery Clinton Secretary of State under Obama cackled over her part in his murder. Now Libya is an Islamic terrorist hot spot with a thriving slave trade and people drowning in the ocean trying to get out of there.
Almost a million peaceful Christians were murdered by ISIS and 112,000 women taken as sex slaves. The Obama/Biden admin denied it was a genocide. They brought Muslims here from radical groups and vastly denied asylum to Christians. Christian organizations made people aware of the genocide and near the end of Obama/Biden the entire congress and senate voted it as a genocide, not just the USA but Europe too.
In comes Trump. Lowers taxes and regulations to get the economy booming so much that tax revenue still came in to the treasury at the same rate. End wars in the Middle East that were going on since Obama and his majority house and senate took office. Historical peace treaties with Arab countries made with Israel. Small business and working poor (us) and middle class were saving a couple of thousand a year which made a big difference with low interest rates to boot.
Then comes the plandemic that cause almost a 20% higher mortality rate because of the way “experts” handled it and 5 democrat leaders of some of the most crowded states put covid patients in nursing homes after knowing full well from Italy that is was deadly only for seniors and those with comorbid conditions. Drug companies suppressed perfectly good treatments and pushed dangerous ones and called every flu “covid.”
Democrats back with Biden. Cut the pipeline cutting jobs and curtail drilling creating inflation for the future and allow materials already there to build the wall to be wasted. They leave the borders wide open trashing Trump’s highly successful policies… They start wars all over giving $6 billion ransom to terrorist Iran and removing sanctions putting $100 billion oil their pockets not to mention the 100 billion in high tech military equipment left to the Taliban. Now we have war in Israel, and Ukraine.
You have to hate truth to not see what is happening mostly through the democrats.