A universal basic income funded by redistribution of income is wrong. But when funded by recovering the rent on our earth commons, it is only sharing what is our common legacy.
Our empowerment will never ever come from those who seek authority over us. Recognize that the welfare state grows because those in it value freedom. Freedom of how to use their time, and not be bossed around (although of course they are, its a job in and of itself to get assistance, and the primary skill needed is the skill to appear helpless).
While guaranteeing an income appears humane, it's terms create a trap: income as long as one 'behaves', income cut off if one challenges the 'authorities'.
Our fiat debt money is enslaving us to these authorities, thus collective opposition to play their debt/tax game. We just need to find out what else to do that better!
Imagine now, the means of exchange based on the proper commodity. A means of exchange that comes into existence to empower this commodity. A lot like the full faith and credit of the American people, yet far better.
The means of exchange we want is based on the commodity that promotes the empowerment of the best side of mankind. Our purpose, or passion and our peace is that commodity. AS we all know, a means of exchange is a symbol of value, and what is more valuable than a creative, empowered, hopeful and helpful society?
I call upon us to issue means of exchange for each other solely to enact the purposes, passion and peace we all enjoy. We have been controlled. Do we want to be? We have been duped. Do we want to be? We have been suppressed, do we want to be? Do we want to be confined to complaining about their next steps of control?
Follow me, I will show you the way, our destination, Freedom. We get there by taking responsibility for our own means of exchange based on our purposes, passions and peace.
100% on the money, Gorgo.
A universal basic income funded by redistribution of income is wrong. But when funded by recovering the rent on our earth commons, it is only sharing what is our common legacy.
Our empowerment will never ever come from those who seek authority over us. Recognize that the welfare state grows because those in it value freedom. Freedom of how to use their time, and not be bossed around (although of course they are, its a job in and of itself to get assistance, and the primary skill needed is the skill to appear helpless).
While guaranteeing an income appears humane, it's terms create a trap: income as long as one 'behaves', income cut off if one challenges the 'authorities'.
Our fiat debt money is enslaving us to these authorities, thus collective opposition to play their debt/tax game. We just need to find out what else to do that better!
Imagine now, the means of exchange based on the proper commodity. A means of exchange that comes into existence to empower this commodity. A lot like the full faith and credit of the American people, yet far better.
The means of exchange we want is based on the commodity that promotes the empowerment of the best side of mankind. Our purpose, or passion and our peace is that commodity. AS we all know, a means of exchange is a symbol of value, and what is more valuable than a creative, empowered, hopeful and helpful society?
I call upon us to issue means of exchange for each other solely to enact the purposes, passion and peace we all enjoy. We have been controlled. Do we want to be? We have been duped. Do we want to be? We have been suppressed, do we want to be? Do we want to be confined to complaining about their next steps of control?
Follow me, I will show you the way, our destination, Freedom. We get there by taking responsibility for our own means of exchange based on our purposes, passions and peace.
We can begin to take responsibility for ourselves by ending welfare entitlements such as Social Security and Medicare.
Guaranteed income guarantees that you will remain poor and a slave to the leftist government.