The only analogy that I can use to describe our government is that of parents that abuse their children. The child (children) are helpless, powerless to do anything. This latest spending abomination should let everyone know the futility of voting. Americans are being abused by our masters and nothing we say will change it. A republican majority in the house will not change anything. This is what totalitarian governments do.

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Actually the children are not helpless. They are simply good slaves with the tools to end their slavery. But guess what? They would have to FIGHT FOR ACTUAL FREEDOM unlike being told that men in the military are fighting for our freedom in the middle east. For as Ivan Throne has iterated in his excellent post about gun control and tyrants

Countless articles and commentators and pundits who fence and tangle, who tumble and roll the slogans and platitudes of gun control, civilian disarmament, public safety, gun violence epidemics, commonsense restrictions, loopholes, Second Amendment rights and other sophisticated and nuanced and ultimately irrelevant sophistries that dance around and completely avoid the blunt and brutally honest point of lethal, military grade weapons in the hands of civilians.

They are in those hands for one purpose, and one purpose only.

That purpose is cold, unmistakable and ruthless.

It is to enable free men and women to rise up and butcher tyrants with gunfire.

Free men have an inherent and sacred right to overthrow and kill the tyrants that brutalize and oppress them. When free men are armed with lethal military grade weapons that right is backed by a dramatic and unstoppable power.

That power is what the politicians who drive the American nation towards scores of trillions of dollars of debt lie awake worrying about, and why they posture and preen and celebrate any opportunistic chance to dance in the blood of the murdered with wailing cries of “we must do something” before the gunfire has even stopped.

That power is what today’s blithering and ridiculous social justice warriors are terrified of. For all their well-publicized concern about rape and so-called “rape culture”, they cynically ignore the most important type of rape as applied to the freedom and dignity of human beings.

“Rape is about power”, they say, “not about sex”.

“It’s about taking someone’s power away from them without their consent.”

Gun control is the very definition of rape. ~Ivan Throne

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Government is our worst enemy. A thousand times worse than Russia or China.

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New York Legislature vote in $30k+ pay raises for themselves;

constituents struggle to heat their homes, feed families.


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Nothing But Blessings

To Both of You & Yours.



Looks like the only way, through this oncoming storm.

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The main reason WHY is because they have unlimited access to a debt creating instrument called the federal reserve. I explain the major issues within the words of this post: https://courageouslion380.substack.com/p/blood-running-in-the-streets-mobs

Long kept out of the minds of Americans through the indoctrination centers called "public" schools which are the 10th plank of the Communist Manifesto.

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The music is about to stop in this game of "Musical Chairs". The worthless fiat currency USD is going to crash and burn as soon as other countries sufficiently coordinate to stop honoring the "Petrodollar" as the World Reserve Currency. The Swamp Creatures probably know that and are just trying to get the last bit of milk from this dying cash cow.

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The greatest proof that the end of the US is near. Reckless government in all manner of existence as well as fighing against its citizens.

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